Welcome Dance It Out Instructors! Here you will find: Choreography, Music, Continuing Education, And Tools for a Successful DIO® Teaching Career. Welcome to the DIO® family.

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Instructor Choreography

Instructor Choreography

Each month we have new choreography and music from our creator and DIO® Instructors from around the world!.


Continuing Education

Review your DIO® Teaching Methods and continue your education.

Yuki Morita

Yuki Morita

Eric Shoji

Eric Shoji

Robin Lundren - Equinox

Robin Lundren - Equinox

Onix Torro

Onix Torro

There is no program like DIO®! My students feel great but I feel even better after teaching it.

I love that DIO® is always changing. Different ways to teach, many styles of dance.

As a General Manager of a gym, I rate DIO® as top class. High quality teachers and the students can't get enough.

As an instructor I feel like DIO® cuts away the competitive nature of instructors and creates an incredible support system.

Enjoy on your TV
Enjoy on your TV

Enjoy on your TV

Watch your DIO® choreography on Smart TVs, Chromecast, Apple TV, and more!

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Download to watch offline
Download to watch offline

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Download to watch offline

Save your favorites easily and always have a way to watch and practice

Watch everywhere!
Watch everywhere!
Watch everywhere!
Watch everywhere!
Watch everywhere!

Watch everywhere!

Stream content on your phone, tablet, laptop, and TV whithout paying more.

Frequently Asking Questions

What is included in a subscription plan?

Your subscription gets:

  1. All access existing choreography

  2. Continuing Education

  3. Music

  4. Keep your DIO® Certificate Valid

  5. Instructor Discount To Merchandise and Events

Can I use my mobile phone?

We are excited to announce that you can now use your phone with our new platform!

Can I cancel any time?

Cancelation requires 30 days notice from billing date. Once canceled your DIO® Certificate will no longer be active. If 1 year has passed from valid DIO® Certificate and Elite has not been kept, all instructors are required to renew before reactivating. Please contact us for options to renew certifiacte.